Monday, October 22, 2012



Hand Dryer Expert,

Do you have any trouble shooting idea's for my Dyson Airblade hand dryer?

Thanks, Brad


Here are some common problems with trouble shooting suggestions. If the issue isn't resolved after call the Dyson Helpline at 888-DYSON-AB (397-6622).

Thanks, Hand Dryer Expert

Dyson Airblade Troubleshooting Suggestions:

PROBLEM: The Dyson Airblade handdryer fails to start. Check to make sure the unit is connected andwired correctly, and that it is turned on.

PROBLEM: The Dyson Airblade hand dryer is turning on and off erratically. Check that the sensor lenses are clean.

PROBLEM: The Dyson Airblade hand dryer sometimes cuts out when in use, but resumes operation after a period of time. Check that the air inlet at the base is clean and free of dust. If the air inlet is dusty, simply remove dust.

PROBLEM: Air is coming out of the front or back of the unit. Check for and remove any obstructions.

PROBLEM: Unit is making a rattling noise. Ensure that none of the tamper proof screws are loose. Tighten if necessary.

PROBLEM: Unit runs for approximately 2 seconds after hands are removed. Don't worry, the unit is operating correctly. There is a time delay function built into the unit.

PROBLEM: Unit runs for longer than 5 seconds after hands are removed. Check to ensure that the Infra-red sensors are not obstructed or dirty.

PROBLEM: Unit is not drying hands as fast as it used to. Verify that the air inlet is not blocked or obstructed. If necessary, clean the air inlet.

PROBLEM: Water collects on floor. During normal use, there may be some gathering of water underneath the Dyson Airblade hand dryer. Please ensure that the unit and surrounding surfaces are wiped and cleaned regularly.

??? Do you have a hand dryer question ???


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. hello the unit is working alone when there is sun and stop when we close the door of the bathroom the unit is installed in the bathroom

  3. Your sensor is picking up the sunlight and that is setting it off. If the sensor is faulty and it is still under warranty (5 years total, first year includes labor - in the US you can call Dyson to troubleshoot: 888-Dyson-AB) then Dyson should replace it for you. However, it's really difficult to know if it is faulty or if you just have an environment that is too bright for the sensors. One thing you can do is move the hand dryer to another location, but that's not so easy if it is already installed. Another thing you can do is try to de-sensitize the sensor. Try putting some Scotch tape over the sensors, or maybe lightly rub some crayon on them. That might block enough light to prevent them from going off when you open the door.

    Good luck!
